What is a Macro Diet?

The macrobiotic diet is not your everyday sort of diet. The regiment aims to alter not just your waistline like other diets do, but change your whole lifestyle so that you see positive effects on your body, mind and emotions. The diet itself was created by a Japanese army doctor in the late 1800’s (Sagen Ishizuka) who was suffering from several illnesses and sought a way to cure his ailments. The macrobiotic lifestyle the good doctor concocted features nutrient rich foods that possess balanced yin and yang properties, lifestyle suggestions such as to eat only when hungry and is based largely on the traditional Asian diet.


The Foods

  • Grains are the basis of the diet, composing 50-60%. Examples: Brown and wild rice, barley, millet, whole wheat, oats, corn, rye
  • Vegetables compose 20-30% of a macrobiotic diet. Examples: Green cabbage, kale, broccoli, bok choy, onion, carrots, radish, etc.
  • Beans and sea vegetables make up 5 to 10% of the diet. Examples: Beans: Azuki beans, chickpeas and lentils are recommended. Sea vegetables: Nori, kelp, comb, arame, dulse
  • Soups are to be eaten daily and are a good way to take in the vegetables and beans
  • Occasional foods to eat include fruits, white-meat fish, and roasted nuts
  • Fermented foods are good to eat with this diet and include tempeh, kimchi and kombucha
  • Some interesting macrobiotic beverage suggestions are roasted kukicha twig tea, roasted brown rice tea, roasted barley tea and dandelion root tea

*The macrobiotic diet menu is almost entirely vegetarian friendly


The Lifestyle

As mentioned before, the macrobiotic diet comes with lots of other advice that doesn’t relate to what you eat, but certain practices you should uphold in your day-to-day. See some of our favorite tips below.

  • Keep your home in good order
  • Chew around fifty times per mouthful of food
  • Put large green plants in your home
  • Get outside and take in direct sunlight daily
  • Retire to bed before midnight and don’t eat anything two to three hours prior to bed
  • Avoid taking long hot baths or showers (depletes body of minerals)
  • Wear as much cotton clothing as possible, especially when it comes to your undergarments


Wise Ape Tea: Join the tribe!

December 04, 2016 — The Wise Ape