Our Story
In 2014, my father, my hero, was diagnosed with terminal GBM brain cancer. From pain and extreme life challenges, I believe we can build inspiration and positivity. This is the story of Wise Ape.
It is possible for your greatest challenges in life to become the ultimate catalyst for personal evolution.
At the time of his diagnosis I had been pursuing a video-tech startup in the greater NY area. I quickly placed everything in my life on pause to move back home, stand by my father's side, and help him fight. The disease moved aggressively, eventually transitioning my role to become his caretaker.
We shared pain, laughter, and some beautiful moments together. Along with his decision to pursue traditional medicine as part of his plan, I became obsessed with the potential of alternative wellness and complimentary treatments, along with the formulation of teas and herbal blends to help provide a better quality of life for my father. It was during this time the spirit of Wise Ape was born.
As his illness rapidly progressed, the intimate time we were able to spend together allowed me to care for my father in ways I had never anticipated, and ultimately brought me back to the health and wellness roots my father had instilled in me from a young age.
My father was the first person in my life to introduce me to fitness and health. As a young boy he'd have me training on the heavy bag in the garage, running sprints in the yard, and as I got older he'd eventually teach me my first set of exercises in his small home gym. In the early 2000s he'd be constantly sending me articles from Dr. Mercola, Health Ranger and others on the importance of Vitamin D3, the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric, along with a slough of other "taboo" health information at the time.
And now here we were together, many years later, trying to battle against the inevitable father time.
He was a true inspiration. After fighting like a fearless warrior for 14 months my father passed in 2015, leaving me with beautiful memories, years of wisdom, and a new life mission. Our purpose at Wise Ape is to serve and inspire wellness, knowledge, and altruism.
Prior to the launch of our first tea blend, Chocolate Hustle, we were able to create a partnership with the National Brain Tumor Society to donate 10% of profits back to their incredible organization. We've since continued to follow suit in partnering each of our teas with an impactful nonprofit organization.
The term 'Wise Ape' represents the balance between strength and wisdom, body and mind. We strive to empower individuals in reaching towards their human potential and to improve themselves, continuously.
I appreciate you joining us on this journey, welcome to the tribe.
Stay Wise,
Joe Scola - Founder and CEO