Nootropic Stack with Chocolate Hustle Adaptogenic Tea

Did you get your Chocolate Hustle yet? Good. If it’s sitting in your cabinet right now, waiting to be steeped, get it out, because you’re about to learn a few ways to enhance the brain boosting benefits out of the delicious drink in your hands.

Delicious and powerful as it is in the brain boosting department, there are a few good ways of stacking Chocolate Hustle with other nootropic herbs and substances that will help you get the most cognitive power out of every mug.

What is a stack?

A stack is what results when you combine two or more brain boosting substances – like nootropics – together in order to make them more effective. Frankly, it’s unusual to only use one at a time these days, which is why you’ll find a variety of boosters, like bacopa, ashwagandha, and tulsi all together in our teas.

Many nootropics like bacopa, ashwagandha, and tulsi complement and work well together, while other groupings are less effective. If you’re going to stack, make sure to get the most bang for your effort and stack effectively!

As an example, combining nootropics that rely on choline, like Noopept, with choline, will improve the amount of choline that Noopept has to work with in your brain, thus enhancing its effects. Similarly, combining a racetam-based nootropic (like Piracetam or Pramiracetam) will vastly increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain and have better cognitive results than a single racetam by itself.

The power is stacking is one of the reasons that our teas, like Chocolate Hustle, are packed full of synergistic nootropics.

But if Chocolate Hustle is so awesome, why would I need anything else?

The simple answer: you don’t! The synergistic ingredients in Chocolate Hustle will definitely give you a boost as-is.

The better answer: why not? Things could always be a tiny bit better, and there are a couple of great nootropic herbs that work really well with the bacopa, ashwagandha, and tulsi you’ll find in Chocolate Hustle.

For the adventurous amongst you, here’s a brief list of the different ways in which you can enhance the benefits of Chocolate Hustle to achieve your goals:

Cultivating Cognition

Rhodiola should definitely be on your nootropic dancecard. In addition to its stress reducing properties, it’s also well known to improve mental focus and motivation, which are essential for any good brainstorming session. It also works particularly well with Ashwagandha and Bacopa, which are both in Chocolate Hustle.

The Tulsi in Chocolate Hustle supports cognition and mental stamina, and can be enhanced by supplementation with choline or phosphatidylcholine. Many nootropics rely heavily on acetylcholine for their efficacy, so supplementing with some phosphatidylcholine will work synergistically with almost any adaptogen or nootropic and enhance its cognitive effects.

Another good pairing for Chocolate Hustle is the nootropic Oxiracetam. Of the nootropics, its effects are the most concentrated around cognition, instead of affecting other areas like mood. Since it’s generally used for cognitive processing and memory, it will really support the working memory enhancement that comes from Bacopa; they’ll work synergistically for maximum benefit.

Since Bacopa enhances working memory, it’s also completed by Piracetam, which enhances memory formation, general cognitive performance, and mental clarity. By taking Piracetam, you’ll get a boost in both memory formation and mental clarity as it works with the Bacopa in Chocolate Hustle.

Stress Management

Adaptogens help your body deal with stress, with all of the adaptogens packed into Chocolate Hustle should help you with relaxation. If it’s not doing the trick, though, taking or adding Rhodiola to your daily tea routine can help support relaxation. Rhodiola has been shown to reduce anxiety and relieve stress in a variety of studies.

Similarly, Kava Kava is also well known as a stress and anxiety-reducing (anxiolytic)  substance. A leafy green native to the Western Pacific, many studies have documented its effects on relieving stress, reducing depressive symptoms, and stimulating the brain. It’s easy to find and makes a great supportive addition to the adaptogens found in Chocolate Hustle.

Warding Off Fatigue

One downside of adaptogens is that since they help you cope with stress, they tend to have a relaxing effect. Obviously, supporting relaxation is great if you’re headed for a nap or yoga class, but it’s less useful when you’re about to sit down and crank out some work. Chocolate Hustle has a little bit of caffeine that will help support energy, but there are other add-ons that can support energy as well.

Red Korean Ginseng is well-known for its energy-boosting properties. It tends to stimulate the brain and cognition, as opposed to the central nervous system, which is the type of stimulation that comes with caffeine.

Noopept is a powerful non-herbal nootropic that is known, amongst other things, for its wakefulness-promoting properties. It’s also an anxiolytic, which is a class of substances that reduce anxiety. Less anxiety = better days, right?

Additionally, NADH tablets are effective for many people in need of an energy boost. NADH is the direct molecule that fuels mitochondria, the energy centers of the body, and supplementing it can help boost physical and mental energy.

Just Add Water (And Fat)

Many substances like Bacopa are highly fat-soluble, which means that they are most effectively absorbed by the body when taken with fat. This means that you have the ultimate opportunity to turn your Chocolate Hustle into creamy goodness, with grass-fed cream, butter, coconut oil, or full-fat coconut milk. Using these healthy fats you could even be so bold as to make your own bulletproof tea... here in the Wise Ape labs we call it silverback tea. Just add in your healthy fats to a brewed cup of Chocolate Hustle and combine with a hand frother or in a blender. Whatever you do, make sure to enjoy and put all the adaptogens in Chocolate Hustle to good use – now go brew some tea to fuel your daily mission.

Other Stacking Experiments

A few of our other favorite nootropic stacks we've toyed with in-house. We've found that the ingredients in Chocolate Hustle also stack well with: 

  • Alpha Brain by Onnit
  • Ciltep by Natural Stacks
  • Qualia by Neurohacker Collective

Wise Ape Tea: Join the tribe!


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March 02, 2017 — The Wise Ape